5 Tips for Empaths from a Spiritual Life Coach

If you’re here, you are not like the average person. You can feel what others are saying. You can sense what others are feeling.  As a spiritual life coach and an empath myself, I understand exactly what it’s like to be highly sensitive in a society that is overflowing with all kinds of emotions and energy.

If you are an Empath, you have a complex nervous system. You are deeply connected to your internal world. Your expansive heart needs to stay open, but often closes if you become overstimulated. I have often seen that this overstimulation happens when you are around loud noises, large crowds, energy shifts, harsh words, disagreements, and violence.

Then you start retreating inwards and your heart starts to close. The expansive heart is meant to stay open. I encourage you to notice when these shifts happen and take note of what you can do to bring yourself back to center.

Here are some tips to help you do just that.

1. Practice Grounding Rituals

Empaths like us can easily absorb the energy of others, often leading to emotional overwhelm. Establishing grounding rituals, such as mindful breathing, connecting with nature, or visualization techniques can help you anchor yourself in the present moment. Grounding sort of acts as a protective shield, allowing you to stay centered amidst the emotional currents around you.

2. Set Energetic Boundaries

As an empath, it’s essential to discern between your own emotions and those you may be picking up from others. Something that helps is to visualize an energetic shield, bubble or cocoon around you, that creates a safe space that selectively filters the energies you allow into your personal sphere.

3. Make Self-Love as a Priority

Prioritizing self-love is a vital part of your routine. Empaths often give so much of themselves to others that they may neglect their own well-being and self-compassion. Regular self-love practices, such as meditation, doing something you love, going for a 15 minute walk, or having quiet reflective time, are so important for recharging your energy and maintaining emotional balance.

4. Listen to Your Intuition

Embrace and trust your intuitive abilities. Empaths like us have heightened senses of intuition. Listen to the subtle whispers of your inner guidance. Intuitive listening can provide valuable insights, helping you make decisions aligned with your authentic self and avoiding energy-draining situations.


5. Connect With Your Soul Tribe

Surround yourself with innerstanding and supportive individuals who appreciate and respect your empathic nature. Share your experiences with like-minded souls or seek guidance from a mentor. Building a community that understands and celebrates your sensitivity can be a source of empowerment and encouragement on your empathic journey!

How to Clear Your Energy as an Empath

Most Empaths or HSP’s (highly sensitive person) need to be mindful of energetic overwhelm and have some techniques to clear themselves, as they move through their day. Here are 3 of my favorite resets:

1. Make sure to build in downtime to your busy day.

2. If you’re in a loud social situation, plan to take a silent 15 minute walk in nature after to reset.

3. If you must have small talk with a new friend, afterwards come back to a loved one and ask a meaningful deep question to reignite the feeling of connection.

Being an Empath is a Gift

We are starting to see a bunch of highly sensitive empaths wake up. We are just not willing to put ourselves in the same situations that we used to. We are being called to step into who we truly are. No more lies no more people pleasing, no more accommodating.

We are becoming energy recyclers. Whatever comes our way, we now decide if it gets to stay or if it gets returned back to the Divine to be recycled back into light.

We are positively changing the planet.

As a spiritual life coach, I encourage empaths to view their sensitivity as a spiritual gift rather than a burden. By incorporating these transformative tips into your daily life, you can navigate the world with a newfound sense of empowerment, embracing your empathic nature as a source of strength and wisdom.

And then you get to a point where you have a game plan for creating boundaries and neutralizing triggers. This can make your life can feel very different.

For years, I have had a journaling practice in place to help me navigate these tricky Empath HSP moments. It’s been so helpful to stop and have questions to ask myself to get back into alignment, when the energy is running high.

If you’re an empath who aspires to become a spiritual life coach, I welcome you to a free class that I created for empaths who want to heal + transform other people’s lives and their own in the process. You can get started with a free class here or by using the button below.

Spiritual Life Coaching Certification - Awaken With Sophie

 Sophie Frabotta Spiritual Life Coach

By Sophie Frabotta, M.A.
Author,Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Healer


I am a heart-centered, soul leader who is so honored to be doing this work. With over 10,000 hours of 1-1 experience, a leader in the field of Spiritual Life Coaching, and a Globally recognized Spiritual Life Coach Certification – I teach students the depth of real transformation in a way that most have never seen. Having transformed my own body, mind and spirit, I am honored to take you into your inner chamber, show you how to lift out of karmic soul wounds and stabilize your higher vibration in 5D.

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Danielle Aguirre
Danielle Aguirre
I grew so much throughout this course that my gratitude cannot be expressed enough. Throughout the past 5 months I've become such a better version of myself. The chatter in my mind has ceased, I feel like I no longer live in fear or doubt constantly. I find I have way more patience for my son and husband and that I'm not as angry or resentful as I used to be. I find I really enjoy meditating regularly now and that it calms me so much. I feel lighter, I feel empowered and I feel like the changes within me have directly impacted my family life for the better. I would tell others to run, not walk to take this course. It was so well organized and thought out. I'm not a business person by any means but Sophie's program made it easy to break down creating a business plan and business from this certification and really create a Spiritual Life Coaching Business out of it. I loved the worksheets she provided us and the meditations used weekly. They were so effective. Even if you're not looking to be a spiritual life coach, the first half of this course alone is incredible for healing purposes. Stuff that I didn't even know was still lingering came through and it blew me away how everyone has the power to heal within themselves by taking their mental health into their own hands. I love that I feel like because of this work, I've healed myself. It makes me feel really good moving forward.
Olga Naumovski
Olga Naumovski
The last 5 months have been life changing, I truly mean it. I started the course just looking for a certification that I can add to my qualifications. The result: I became a Certified Spiritual Life Coach and, most importantly, I have also healed a part of me and awakened a very large part of my soul. This work has been instrumental in my personal life and business. The biggest change for me, which many have noticed, is that I am more grounded and less emotional. What would trigger me prior to the certification course does not have the same impact today. I have more awareness and more tools to create cellular change. I have personally noticed that I am more connected to divinity and have a better handle of my emotions and empath tendencies. All of this has strengthened my sense of self and my self-worth. This new sense of empowerment is one that is from my heart, not ego. For those that are considering taking this course I would simply say - go for it. If you have come this far and are reading reviews and contemplating the course, well I believe you already have your answer. Take those 5 minutes of courage to have the conversation with Sophie's team, and just do it, sign-up. Your soul has brought you to this point for a reason - trust it.
Katherine Allen
Katherine Allen
I started this out of desperation, lost and incredibly wounded. I had been trying anything I could before. I instantly knew I was in the right place. The trust I felt from Sophie was profound. This allowed me to feel safe in starting to look inward honestly. I was able to start my healing journey and continue to do so. I went from looking outward for validation, blaming others and feeling powerless, to looking inward and finding the root causes of my false beliefs instead. This shift in perspective was the key to beginning this journey to healing. I highly recommend this to anyone ready to begin this shift in awareness and be set free from these false limiting beliefs holding us from being our true selves! I have a toolbox to take with me through my daily life as my healing continues. Circumstances will always be there, but through the guidance and lessons I learned, I more easily realign with a state of inner peace and love. By taking this course, you will have the tools to recognize when chatter is taking over, how to look inward instead of outward for the answers already within to help you heal and shine, and feel a release from the energy that unknowingly have been holding onto for too long! I highly recommend this course. It has been life changing.
Gayle D.
Gayle D.
An incredible opportunity for my personal and professional growth, and most importantly for my healing. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made was committing to this course. Such rich content, with teachers who willingly share their vast knowledge, wisdom and expertise. The course also includes hands on learning from the experts. My cohort team and my teachers wanted each of us to succeed at reaching and even surpassing our goals. This course was everything I hoped it would be and more. I experienced exponential growth in mind- body- spirit and heart. It doesn’t get better than that.
Irina Kanevskaya
Irina Kanevskaya
I loved every moment of the certification program. I felt that I was learning real-life applicable material to help others while at the same time becoming a better version of myself. I've gone through a lot of schooling and hold a Master's degree, and yet this has felt for the first time that I was doing assignments that were actually contributing to my growth and knowledge. I had to go deeper into my inner world to identify the beliefs that were still holding me back from stepping into the person I wanted to become. The meditations were a great resource to help bring awareness into all those parts. I found all the reading assignments and recording audios to be very useful and helpful. The structure of the program made it possible to keep up with all the work while having to be kept accountable due to the weekly assignments. I would tell others to definitely sign up for this program if they have a strong pull toward spiritual life coaching. Sophie and Becky are very supportive and encouraging. They respect each person as an individual and truly support you throughout your entire healing journey. I'm very grateful for saying Yes.
Karilynn Stroje
Karilynn Stroje
Awaken Spiritual Life coaching is the best Spiritual life coaching course you could ever take! The way Sophie and her team organize and teach the course is unique, deep , and effective. You will come out of the course ready to coach and most importantly more healed than you can ever imagine!
Danette Bass
Danette Bass
I am so glad I jumped in with both feet and took this course! It was worth the effort, time and money. Sophie would tell us to trust the process when it would seem tough and each week sure enough the process produced results. So much growth has happened in my inner world. I now have so much peace in my heart and if I do feel “off” or triggered I can deal with it. I highly recommend this course if it resonates with you! You won’t regret it. Sophie, thank you for sharing your wisdom, compassion and commitment to help souls awaken to their higher selves. I am so glad I said yes to this course and am grateful for your guidance. You are a gifted healer and teacher! Thank you! Nameste
Adriana Villacari
Adriana Villacari
Through the teachings of Sophie and Becky, the support of my fellow Luminas, accompanied by their vulnerabilities and sharing, I have grown so much in areas that I was lacking and illuminated the areas I need to continue to work on. Being a part of this cohort, I've been reminded that I do not need to seek outside myself to find the answers I've had all along.I was humbled and surprised at the areas of healing that would arise, often times when I least expected. One of the most important things I am leaving with is giving myself permission to feel. It has been very empowering to see how much is actually within my control. There is so much freedom in that awareness. I have been able to take so much more accountability by acquiring the new resources I've been able to add to my spiritual tool bag. I am so grateful for this program for allowing me the space to explore, to learn and grow, and most of all just to be.
Susan Biddle
Susan Biddle
I consider myself to be very self-aware, but I can say that I gained so much more much needed self-awareness and inner healing in this course. I was able to take a deeper and broader look at my life and see how I was hindering myself and heal more past pains and reprogram myself with new enlightened beliefs. Sophie is so professional and truly leads with light and love in all our time together. She’s also an authentic mentor that equips and empowers everyone in the training with tools to do their own healing as well as provides tools to share with future clients as new certified spiritual life coaches. I’ve gained much insight on things and topics that I’ve never heard before even after taking two other (similar in length) spiritual courses with different creators. I was also able to create an entire business plan, website and vital tools needed for my business to hit the ground running. I’m so thankful to have found a full package training to go through with like minded students and now special friends!
Alison Murdoch-Smith
Alison Murdoch-Smith
What a beautiful program. I am glad my algorithms found Sophie's content. I went from chaos to clarity in five months with the help of meditations, visualizations, reflection exercises, and journal prompts. I am now clear on my purpose, my values, my limiting beliefs (at least some of them), my triggers (and how to turn them around), and finally, in the last module, my direction for my spiritual business. The weekly reflections helped me find my voice. I would recommend this course to anyone who is looking for that next step in their spiritual journey or anyone who wants to create a spiritually led business.

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